Commercial Coffee Accessories Wholesale

Discover excellence in every detail with our range of coffee equipment. Elevate your coffee service and delight customers with quality, style, and convenience.



Coffee Accessories

Essential Coffee Accessories We Supply

From precision tools to stylish additions, we supply the elements that elevate your coffee experience.

Coffee Grinders

Milk Frother

Coffee Filter

Coffee Tampers

Measuring Scoop

Coffee Clean Brush


Coffee Maker Pot

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Essential Coffee Accessories We Supply

From precision tools to stylish additions, we supply the elements that elevate your coffee experience.

It seems we can't find what you're looking for.

Essential Coffee Accessories We Supply

From precision tools to stylish additions, we supply the elements that elevate your coffee experience.
coffee clean brush
coffee filter
coffee grinders
coffee maker pot
coffee tampers
measuring scoop
milk frother

It seems we can't find what you're looking for.

It seems we can't find what you're looking for.

It seems we can't find what you're looking for.

It seems we can't find what you're looking for.

It seems we can't find what you're looking for.

It seems we can't find what you're looking for.

It seems we can't find what you're looking for.

It seems we can't find what you're looking for.

It seems we can't find what you're looking for.

Custom Coffee Accessories in One Stop

All-in-one service combined with product customization and package design allows you to stand out from the crowd through shaping, branding, labeling and packaging.
Hundreds of colors and patterns you can choose
Superb technologies and techniques for coffee supplies' uniqueness
Cost-friendly and eco-friendly to unlock the power of accessories
Multi-functional package solutions with various packaging styles

Coffee Tamper vs. Coffee Leveler: A Comparison of Tools for Perfecting Coffee Extraction

Explore how the two tools contribute to perfecting the coffee brewing process, ensuring consistent results and enhanced flavor in every cup.
Category Coffee Tamper Coffee Leveler
Components Base and handle for grip Flat base and handle for accurate leveling
Materials Metal Metal, wood and plastic
Types Handle tamper, calibrated tamper, and wooden tamper Metal coffee leveler, wooden coffee leveler and plastic coffee leveler
Purpose Apply pressure to evenly pack coffee grounds in the portafilter for quality shots Create an equal, level surface on the coffee grounds within a filter basket.
Key Features - Provides consistent extraction of flavor and taste
- Ensures even compression for quality espresso shots
- Build-up water pressure for a smooth and thick coffee
- The base size should align with the espresso basket size
- Eliminate air pockets and uneven distribution
- Helps reduce areas with high and low compressions
- Adjustable depth allows for a firm press and customization
- Ensures consistent extraction of flavor and taste in every shot

Exploring Coffee Filtration: Stainless Steel Coffee Filters vs Coffee Filter Paper

KLP’s coffee filters are available in different filter thicknesses and appearances to suit individual preferences. Whether you’re a coffee shop or a home barista, our quality coffee filters help you brew the perfect cup every time.

Would like to know more about original design and actual quality?

Leave us the pattern and product you like. Whatever color or technique you prefer, our designers will create a sample & solution based on your ideas.

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