

Винтажный бокал для вина Ripple-3,8 унции

KLP4447 (6)
KLP4447 (5)
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KLP4447 (1)
KLP4447 (4)
KLP4447 (6)
KLP4447 (5)
KLP4447 (2)
KLP4447 (1)
KLP4447 (4)

Винтажный бокал для вина Ripple-3,8 унции

The shape of this ribbed glass actually works for any good quality liquor, and these are also the right size to dole out quantities for mixed drinks. They are also designed to be warmed in the hand, which helps enhance the tasting experience, and these small ones should actually warm up even faster if that’s your thing. Best of all, they’re easy to hold, and anyone who can’t do it has probably had too much already. They’re going to be a great addition to your barware collection.
The compact design exudes more aroma to stimulate the senses and transforms every bite into a real tasting experience. Maybe they will be a good gift. Your friends will be pleasantly surprised
You can use it as an aperitif before dinner, or it can be used to hold a sacrament for your family every Sunday
You can use them to taste all spirits, or as a display, if you want a special wine glass for Sherry&Port, please choose them


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Цвет Прозрачный
Материал Lead free glass
Размер D6.5*H20CM
Емкость 108мл
Оплата Т/Т
ОЭМ/ОДМ Приемлемый

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