उत्पाद अनुकूलन और पैकेज डिज़ाइन के साथ संयुक्त ऑल-इन-वन सेवा आपको आकार देने के माध्यम से भीड़ से अलग दिखने की अनुमति देती है, ब्रांडिंग, लेबलिंग और पैकेजिंग.
सैकड़ों रंग और पैटर्न आप चुन सकते हैं
Superb technologies and techniques for coffee sets' uniqueness
Cost-friendly and eco-friendly to unlock the power of pour-over sets
विभिन्न पैकेजिंग शैलियों के साथ बहु-कार्यात्मक पैकेज समाधान
A Coffee Pour-over Set is a collection of tools and equipment for making coffee using the pour-over method.
The pour-over method is a manual brewing technique that involves pouring hot water over coffee grounds, allowing the water to extract flavors as it passes through the grounds and drips into a container below.
The pour-over process offers control over variables such as water temperature, pour rate, and brew time, allowing for a customizable and often considered more hands-on approach to coffee brewing.
A typical coffee pour-over set includes:
Pour-over Coffee Maker or Dripper:
This is a cone-shaped device with an opening at the bottom. Coffee grounds are placed in the cone, and hot water is poured over them.
Filters are used to trap the coffee grounds, ensuring that only the liquid coffee passes through. Filters can be made of paper, metal, or cloth.
Coffee Kettle:
A specialized kettle with a narrow spout designed for precise control over water flow. This is important for evenly saturating the coffee grounds during the pour-over process.
To accurately measure the coffee grounds and water, maintaining the proper coffee-to-water ratio for a balanced flavor.
Timing is crucial in pour-over brewing. A timer helps control the brew time, allowing you to experiment with different extraction times for varying flavors.
Coffee Mug or Carafe:
The vessel where the brewed coffee collects after passing through the coffee grounds.
मूल डिज़ाइन और वास्तविक गुणवत्ता के बारे में अधिक जानना चाहेंगे?
हमें अपना पसंदीदा पैटर्न और उत्पाद छोड़ें. जो भी रंग या तकनीक आपको पसंद हो, हमारे डिजाइनर एक नमूना बनाएंगे & आपके विचारों के आधार पर समाधान.