Bar Supplies Wholesale

Barware includes a range of tools and accessories used in the preparation and serving of alcoholic beverages, such as cocktail shakers, jiggers, strainers, glassware, and more.



لوازم البار

Going the Extra Mile: Considerate Services for Everyone

We can give back to you within 12 hours and offer tailored solutions because it’s embedded in our DNA to be flexible and responsive.

We provide guidelines to you through every step of the process by leveraging our expertise and resources.

We can give back to you within 12 hours and offer tailored solutions because it’s embedded in our DNA to be flexible and responsive.

We can give back to you within 12 hours and offer tailored solutions because it’s embedded in our DNA to be flexible and responsive.

Prior to production, our designers create a CAD design and a real sample within 3-15 days for your approval.

We are home to more than 6 specialized production lines to handle your requirements.

Combined with fully automatic machines and sophisticated manual works, all catering and bar supplies we produce will be exquisite and delicate.

We will quickly deliver standard products within 3-10 days and customized products within 35-50 days.

Our clients do not need to bother by how their orders will get to them. We will take care of the shipment and deliver them to a specific destination.

ترغب في معرفة المزيد عن التصميم الأصلي والجودة الفعلية?

اترك لنا النمط والمنتج الذي تفضله. مهما كان اللون أو التقنية التي تفضلها, سيقوم مصممينا بإنشاء عينة & الحل على أساس أفكارك.

    حقوق الطبع والنشر © 2024, KLP. كل الحقوق محفوظة.