بحث & تطوير

We are a magician who can turn your ideals into reality.



Research & Development

Our Latest Barware Innovation

They are not only bar tools, but also arts and crafts.

Novel Garment Accessories Make the Sparks Fly

They are not only bar tools, but also arts and crafts.

The Synergy Effect: Maximizing Team Potential

Agile Development

Our R&D team consists of 8 technicians that work together to explore meticulous processes, manufacturing technologies and new barware or coffee utensils.

They will also consider the materials that will be used in manufacturing, such as glass, الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ, or copper, and how the material will affect the product’s durability, functionality, and aesthetics.

Disruptive Innovation

The product manager develops proposals for cocktail equipment and coffee supplies. عن 50 new products will be launched quarterly by 5 designers according to market trends and usersneeds. All products we introduce will be updated in terms of appearance and function to fulfill the aspiration of its users.

When our designers design coffee bar supplies, they typically focus on creating products that are functional, aesthetically pleasing, and safe to use.

A Personal Touch

Hear from Our Boss on Our Company’s Values and Goals
Wishes to you and our teams

Our R&D team consists of 8 technicians that work together to explore meticulous processes, manufacturing technologies and new barware or coffee utensils.

They will also consider the materials that will be used in manufacturing, such as glass, الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ, or copper, and how the material will affect the product’s durability, functionality, and aesthetics.

ترغب في معرفة المزيد عن التصميم الأصلي والجودة الفعلية?

اترك لنا النمط والمنتج الذي تفضله. مهما كان اللون أو التقنية التي تفضلها, سيقوم مصممينا بإنشاء عينة & الحل على أساس أفكارك.

    حقوق الطبع والنشر © 2024, KLP. كل الحقوق محفوظة.